Time flies in the summer! Maybe more when you have a 3 year old, a full time job, a husband and are pregnant! I can't believe how long it's been since I blogged. What is wrong with me?! I know, exhaustion... :)
So this is what I've been up to....
Over the 4th of July my SIL and nephew came to visit. We had a very busy few days together.

Gabe is the mini me version of my brother. I love him so much! I was so glad we got to spend time with him. He was an angel the entire visit... I miss him.

Chase and all of his cousins. Every one of them. Gabe is his only cousin on my side of the family. Angelica, Madison, Rylee and Scott are Rob's sister's kids. Angelica is 15 going on 25.

We did fireworks in our backyard instead of driving to see them. Chase was scared of the big ones, but did great with the sparklers. Yeah, we are the worlds best parents letting our child hold fire.

We went to this tiny zoo in DE. It was like looking at animals on the sun - I think it must have been 110 degrees that day.

We also made a trip into Philly to the Please Touch Museum. Chase loved it!! He asked when we could go again.
I think Gabe liked it too!!
My brother, Mary Jane and Gabe are going to visit again after Baby T is born. I can't wait to see them all. I miss my brother alot.
Part 2 coming later today or tomorrow.
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